Sam Nunn Federal Building | Atlanta, GA
Vegetated roofing with walkway
Vegetated roofing adds functional beauty
Thermal and moisture protection
Largest vegetated roof in Atlanta
Repurposed 1924 Rich’s Department Store

Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center

We built the Southeast’s largest vegetative roof at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center downtown. The complex includes the repurposed iconic 1924 Rich’s department store building and an adjacent eight story tower. The unique project required preparing the buildings to receive the soil necessary for planting the vegetation. This included a new roof system that recycled many elements of the old roofs.

Getting tons of soil up eight stories in the heart of the South’s biggest metropolis proved to be one of the biggest challenges. We employed a reverse vacuum system that forced the soil up through hoses set in place by cranes. The work was done at night and required street closings for equipment access and material delivery. Eighty percent of the existing roof material including the pavers, waterproofing membrane and rigid insulation was recycled. Over a 150,000 sedums were planted; today it flourishes as a beautiful natural garden.

Results of this design-build project include thermal and moisture protection, energy conservation, reduced utility costs, reduced heating and cooling and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Storm water runoff was cut by more than 600,000 gallons. We’re proud to have played a central role in the creation of a cutting edge roof that saves money and the environment.

This project received the Excellence In Design Award in Roofing from the Center for Environmental Innovation.

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Puerto Rico Convention Center skylight inspired by ocean waves
NBC Roofing at Puerto Rico Convention Center
Watertight mullions fabrication
Tremco Sealants custom extruded silicone covers
Custom extruded Tremco sealants
Preformed silicone sealant
Silicone glass roofing sealant
Puerto Rico Convention Center

Puerto Rico Convention Center

The Puerto Rico Convention Center is the largest and most technologically advanced facility of its kind in the Caribbean. Located in the Isla Grande neighborhood of San Juan, this international facility draws visitors from across the globe. The building features soaring expanses of glass, and an enormous skylight inspired by overlapping ocean waves.

The skylight began leaking almost immediately after the building opened. Repair required painstaking care for both the building and the crew. Safety was paramount; rigging was complicated by the intricate wave design. The glass-to-glass joints were made watertight with preformed silicone sealant. Mullions required fabrication of a custom extruded silicone cover by Tremco Sealants that was installed over the metal and sealed to the glass with silicone. To meet the deadline, our crew worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week for four months. The roof has not leaked since, even surviving the devastating 2017 hurricane Maria with winds up to 175 miles per hour.

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